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Like every year, Medicare is going to welcome certain modifications, to be applicable from January 1, 2020, onwards. For seniors who want to stay updated with the latest Medicare changes, we have compiled some of the major points that you must know about. 


For ESRD Patients

In 2021, Medicare will be extended to the seniors suffering from ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease). From 2021 onwards, ESRD patients will be able to enroll themselves for Medical Advantage, a facility that was not previously available. Consequently, seniors with this condition will have to pay a lower amount out of their pockets. 

Extended Long-Term Care for Independently Living Seniors 

Long-term care has been absent from Medicare, especially for the elderly. It only offered coverage for 100 days (including rehabilitative care), but it wasn’t substantial for many. From 2021, the long-term coverage will also take into consideration in-home care, adult daycare, cost of transforming the house to make it senior-friendly, to mention a few. However, assisted living has been excluded from coverage. 

Telehealth Services 

As the year 2020 was all about connecting with each other virtually, a new change has been initiated in the 2021 Medicare. With this new addition, there is expected to be a growth in telehealth services. You can meet your healthcare provider or medical practitioner at the comfort of your home, via video call, and take advice for your health. This is a beneficial change for seniors who find it safer to stay within the comfort of their homes. 

In case you are planning to alter your Medicare plans, this is the right time to know about the 2021 changes in detail. Before you pick a plan for yourself, don’t forget to conduct thorough research online about the various plans available out there.

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